UNEP ON THE GROUNDCarpathian States adopt Protocol on Sustainable TransportMinamata Convention on Mercury – special event in New YorkBurn Horns, Save RhinosEnergy planning in Eastern Europe and South CaucasusThe 2014 Global Environmental Policy ProgrammeEnvironment and security in Eastern Europe: a new vision for cooperationAfghans support peace and environmental stewardship through mountain trekking and football
New global alliance for energy-efficient equipment launchedInformal Prior Informed Consent consultations prevented illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances Basel Convention: guidelines for persistent organic pollutantsEUROBATS MOP 7 adopts a Resolution on Wind Turbines and Bats PopulationsPOST-2015 AGENDAEuropean Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
ON THE CALENDARTwo meetings on chemicals and organic pollutantsTwo Sustainable Public Procurement Prioritisation workshopsAlpine Space Programme C3-Alps project closing conferenceImpact of UNEA on UNEP's work